Privacy Rental in Rome


Information pursuant to art. 13 of the Data Protection Code:

Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, no. 196 carrying the Consolidated Act on the protection of personal data, we hereby note that the information and the data supplied by Clients to Rental in Rome will be processed in compliance with the provisions above-mentioned and in accordance with the confidentiality obligations that are fully embraced by Rental in Rome. By processing of personal data, we mean any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the assistance of electronic means, designed for the collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, change, selection, retrieval, comparison, utilization, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, erasing and destruction of data, whether or not the same are entered in a databank.

Pursuant to the regulations of the Code, Rental in Rome will abide by principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of the confidentiality of the Client’s rights. Pursuant to article 13 of the Code, we therefore supply the following information.

The data processing activity will

a) pursue the following purposes: management of operations as regards relationship with Client, administrative and contract management operations, communication as to Millennium B&B services.

b) be carried out by: manual and electronic means.

c) the data may be disclosed to the Authority for Public Safety or disclosed to our suppliers or agents. Pursuant to article 13, paragraph 1, letter d) you are also hereby informed as to the entities or categories of entities to whom or which the said data may be disclosed or who or which may be informed of such data as Data Controllers (where appointed) or the appointed Data Processors, and we also provide information as to the scope of dissemination of the said data.

We wish to note that the providing of data is obligatory and failing to provide such data may entail non-stipulation of the contract.

In addition, the consent to the processing of personal data is altogether optional and non-compulsory for conducting studies, research, market statistics, sending advertising and informative material, for conducting all those activities designed for the sale or placement of products or services; for sending commercial information; making interactive commercial communications also pursuant to article 10 of Legislative Decree 185/1999, for which activities Rental in Rome may use phone, electronic mail, automated calling systems without an operator or use of fax. Consent is also optional with respect to the following: receiving unsolicited commercial notices pursuant to article 9 of Legislative Decree 9 April 2003 no. 70 implementing the Directive on Electronic Commerce 2000/31/EEC, which lays down that unsolicited commercial communications shall be immediately and unmistakably identifiable as such and contain information to the effect that the addressee of the message may refuse future receipt of the said communications.

Should the Client decide not to provide his consent to processing operations for commercial purposes as specified hereinabove, the said refusal shall entail no consequences whatsoever.

The identification data of the Data Controller for the processing of the data you have supplied are as follows: Rental in Rome, registered office, Via dei Riari, 55 Roma, 00165
the data controller being the representative in law, XXXXXXX.

The data will also be processed in full compliance with the self-regulations in matter of personal data processing contained in the sector’s own applicable Codes of Conduct.

You may consult the Data Controller at any time, without any formal obligations and by using the apposite form prepared by the Supervisory Authority for personal data protection, to exercise such rights as are provided under article 7 of the Code.


トレヴィの泉 地区
  • 45 アパート
ナボーナ広場 地区
  • 99 アパート
  • 86 アパート
Saint Peter
  • 115 アパート
Colosseum コロシアム
  • 58 アパート
Trastevere Area
  • 101 アパート
Rome Parioli
  • 15 アパート
Termini Station
  • 35 アパート
Campo de' Fiori
  • 43 アパート
  • 39 アパート